**sorry that this chapter is so short...or maybe it only feels short because the last one was ridiculously long =p in any case, i just wanna thank you guys for all of your comments. they truly mean alot && make writing this worth while (:
Alright so that was not the way that was supposed to happen. I wasn’t supposed to get some smug attitude and I wasn’t supposed to be such a complete ass. I could have waited. I should have waited. I should have waited until Riley was ready to tell me on her own. I watched her walk away, fuming, and throw open the door of the restaurant. She was so cute even when she was throwing a fit. I just wished it would have gone differently. I wanted to tell her everything in a calm, sincere way, and I wanted her to tell me how she felt in the same demeanor. But now it was too late. I found out in the worst way possible. She wasn’t supposed to scream it at me. So that’s one special moment gone. I slowly made my exit and walked onto the sidewalk with the rest of the guys.
“We’re leaving,” Riley said curtly. “It was a wonderful lunch and we’ll see you soon.” I watched as Vero gave her a strange look and Riley mouthed ‘We’ll talk later’ before turning on her heel, linking her arm with Geno’s, and walking down the street. I watched them go, feeling my chest tighten and that all too familiar pang of jealousy every time I saw them together. Marc and Vero were the next to leave and one by one, Sid, Tyler, and Kris soon took leave. It was finally just Jordan and myself.
“How’d it go?” he asked as we began walking, with no clear direction.
“How’d what go?” I replied, playing innocent.
“Dude. I’m not an idiot. I know you were talking to Riley about something concerning your ‘relationship’ or whatever it is. How’d that go?”
“Oh that,” I began. I considered lying to him and telling him to mind his own damn business, but I didn’t. “It didn’t go so well. It actually went terrible.”
“I’m sorry, man,” he said sympathetically. “What’s the deal anyway?”
“In short, we both have feelings for each other. But she’s with Geno. So yeah,” I answered. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me.
“She’s into you too?” he asked with a hint of incredulity.
“Yeah…why? Is that so hard to believe?” I asked, caught off guard by his surprise.
“Well, no. It’s just that I thought you only fooled around or whatever. I didn’t think there were like real feelings involved. And not to mention the fact that Geno is probably the polar opposite of you. I mean, come on,” he answered honestly.
“We didn’t even really fool around. We kissed a few times and that was that. But we were hanging out the other night and she was drunk. And she told me that she really wanted me and not Geno,” I said as we continued walking.
“Drunken words are sober thoughts.”
“Wow. That’s really profound!”
“I know. I read it somewhere.” I rolled my eyes and continued.
“Anyway, then she came to my house and I think she was gonna actually tell me how she felt, but I had a girl over and it just ruined everything.”
“Dumbass mistake. Why would you have a girl over if you’re into her?”
“I don’t know. I just figured I had to try and get myself over her. I just assumed she’d stay with Geno and never give me a second thought. I don’t know.”
“Well, she’ll eventually realize that she has to stop lying to herself and that she should be with you. It’ll all work out in the end.” Something about his nonchalant attitude made me desperately want to believe him.
“I really hope so.”
Riley’s Point of View
Alright so that was not the way that was supposed to happen. I wanted that moment to be special. And here I go, screwing it up because I’m too obnoxious to just admit my true feelings in a calm, docile manner. I really hated myself sometimes. I was so pissed at him that he had power over me like that. He drove me insane and to the edge and something about it was so enticing. He brought out the worst in me, but I liked it. So, without a glance backward I marched out of the restaurant and to a waiting Geno. His questioning glance alerted me that I must have worn a pissed expression. So, I quickly changed my face to one of mock happiness and chatted lightly until Max emerged. At that moment, I couldn’t stand to be within five feet of him.
“We’re leaving. It was a wonderful lunch and we’ll see you soon.” My voice rang fake in my ears. Vero gave me a look to which I mouthed ‘We’ll talk later’ before turning around and linking my arm with Geno’s. I was secretly hoping that this motion was eating Max alive. I knew little things like that bothered him. Geno and I walked quickly back to his apartment and when we arrived, we collapsed on the couch. I buried my head in his chest, wanting to forget the day’s events.
“You okay?” he asked looking down at me.
“Sure I’m fine,” I lied, smiling up at him. He seemed to believe this and just smiled in return.
“It was good day.” His arm draped over my shoulders.
“Yeah it was.” Then I looked over at the clock and started laughing. “It’s only three o’clock!”
“I know. I have idea. Kill time.” He looked at me suggestively and guided me towards the bedroom. So we slept together. Literally. I wrapped myself up in his arms and we took a four hour nap. This had to be one of the oddest dates I’d ever been on. I awoke to find an empty spot next to me where Geno should have been. I was too physically tired to move, but about ten minutes later Geno walked back into the room.
“How long have you been up?” I asked as he came over to my side of the bed.
“Only twenty minutes.”
“Why didn’t you wake me?”
“You look beautiful when sleep.” He bent down and kissed my forehead. The guilt sat heavily on my chest as I tried hard not to cry. At that point I honestly did hate myself. I was the worst girlfriend on the face of the earth. I wanted to tell him everything. The complete truth. But I didn’t want to break his heart. Although, by prolonging it, I was surely only making it worse.
“Oh Geno.” I took his hand in mine and closed my eyes. We sat in silence for a moment until he spoke.
“Very much so.” Geno really wanted to go out, but I insisted that we stay in. I had had enough of going out for one day. So we ordered a pizza and ate it on his couch while watching T.V. After dinner was finished I didn’t feel like hanging around, so with a kiss goodnight, I made my way out of the apartment and to my waiting car. After a short drive, I was pulling into the driveway, thankful for the bed that was awaiting me. However as I approached the front door, I noticed someone perched on the steps.
Chapter Six - Tied Together
15 years ago
*GASP* It's Ryan isn't it? haha... I loeved the story and even that they're both too stubborn to see what's good for them. Very good.
ReplyDeleteI like Ryan!
ReplyDeleteI think I'm team Ryan. I'm probably the only one.
Good update! :)
I feel bad for Riley, but damn, I sure wish I was in her position! Geno, Max, and Ryan? Damn, what's a girl to do? I can't wait to see what's going to happen!
ReplyDeleteI bet it is Jordan. Talking to her about MAX!!!:]
ReplyDeleteI like how he confided in Staalsy.
I just found your story, LOVE it, I'm totally team Max!
ReplyDeleteUpdate soon!
Lol. Gonna throw this out there...SPONTANEOUS SID MOMENT! The silent observer who has it all figured out!