**so, i'm back earlier than expected && i'm so excited because i got some ideas while i was away && i couldn't wait to get home to write them down! also this is chapter twenty && it sort of feels like a milestone. i can't believe how far this story has come && it all started with one silly idea i had one day haha but enough rambling. thanks for all your comments && support. you guys mean the world <3
Jordan arose from his seated position and nervously wiped his hands on his pants. I could only imagine how crazy he looked to the neighbors. Just sitting there, waiting. He smiled awkwardly as I made my way over to him.
“Jordan?! What are you doing here? Is everything okay? Is anyone hurt?” I babbled the stream of questions at him, not really allowing adequate time for response.
“Calm down, Riley. Everything’s fine. Everyone’s fine. I just wanted to talk to you, if that’s okay?” he asked gingerly.
“Yeah sure, of course.” I opened the front door and ushered him inside. He declined my drink offer and instead took a seat on the armchair.
“Don’t you want to know how I know where you live?” he asked, a small smile creeping across his face.
“I don’t really need the details on how you stalked me, so the floor is all yours for whatever you wanted to talk about.” I laughed and he relaxed.
“I wanted to talk to you about Max.” My chest tightened and a million thoughts began running through my mind. Had Max sent Jordan to tell me that he never wanted to see me again? Was he finally through with my indecisiveness?
“What about Max?” The obvious waver in my voice put Jordan on edge again.
“I know this isn’t really my place, but he’s beating himself up about this and to tell you the truth, I’m kinda sick of hearing about it.” He smiled again and I nodded for him to continue. “The bottom line is that he likes you…a lot.” The words hung in the air and quietly floated around. I was already pretty sure of this, but hearing it from someone else just makes it that much more realistic.
“I may have heard that.”
“And you like him too. I know it. It’s obvious. I really don’t know how Geno doesn’t see it.” I winced at the mention of Geno’s name. It hurt to hear his name brought up in any conversation about Max.
“You’re right.” My voice was now just above a whisper. “You’re absolutely right.”
“I know. Now, all you have to do is break it off with Geno and get with Max!” He smiled broadly, obviously proud with himself.
“Jordan, it’s not that easy. First of all, I’m not one to break hearts. I couldn’t just break up with Geno tomorrow and go out with Max that afternoon. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. And also, this is the more selfish side of me, I don’t want to be the first one to give in. I don’t want to come crawling to Max and tell him how I feel. I thought I could do it before, but I’m not that person.” I put my head in my hands as he got up, sat down next to me, and put his arm around my shoulders.
“I know where you’re coming from, but it wouldn’t be crawling back to him. I’m telling you, you’ll feel so much better if you just do this. Not only for yourself, but for Max and for Geno. You’re stringing Geno along and you’ve got to let him go. You know it. And with Max, he’ll be the happiest guy on the face of the earth once you guys finally get all of this out in the open. You’re both so damn stubborn, but once one of you finally gives in, it’ll all be worth it.” I honestly couldn’t believe how much sense he was making.
“When’d you get so smart?” I asked, hitting his arm.
“I was just born that way.” His triumphant smile never leaving his face.
“Well thank you, so much. You’re right. I’m gonna do it. As soon as I get the chance!”
“Ha! That’s what she said!!”
“Oh my God, you’re a moron.” I rolled my eyes as he stood up, laughing at his own stupid joke.
“Well I really should get going. Thanks for listening. I know I don’t make a lot of sense most of the time, but I had to do this for Max. He’s like my brother and I don’t like to see him upset.”
“Oh that’s cute.” I laughed and opened the door, following him out onto the walkway. I gave him a hug before looking past him and into the street. “Why’d you park so funny?” I pointed at a car parked crooked against the curb in front of my house.
“I didn’t drive here. I took a cab.” In a matter of seconds, I saw Ryan bounding across the grass and up to where Jordan and I stood. His fist was poised as he approached and Jordan was frozen in shock. I quickly stepped in front of Jordan, hoping my presence would deter Ryan, but by the time I moved, Ryan’s fist was already soaring through the air and I felt it making contact with the side of my head. Ryan must have put a lot of power into that swing, because the edges of my vision started to go blurry and as darkness surrounded me, I heard someone call my name, but they sounded very far away almost as if they were underwater. And then, I heard nothing.
Max’s Point of View
Jordan’s words rung in my head as I raced to the hospital.
“There’s been an accident. Riley’s hurt and in the hospital. What? No. She’s alive. Dude, I swear. Well, she was sort of punched. By who? Well, by Ryan. But wait Max! Before you overreact---”
And that was all I heard. That was all I needed to hear. I hung up the phone, grabbed my keys and headed over. I burst through the doors and saw a flock of familiar faces in the waiting room. Vero was there, with Marc by her side. Geno was pacing up and down conversing in quick sentences to Sergei. Jordan was trying to read a magazine, but I could tell that he was staring blankly at a page, not seeing anything at all. And Ryan. I saw red and immediately lunged at him. Jordan was too quick though and held me back, Marc jumping up to help.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” I spat, rage filling my voice.
“I’m her cousin. I have every right to be here.” He answered with just as much bitterness.
“You’re the one who fucking put her in here!” I shouted at him.
“Um, gentlemen, if there’s a problem I’m going to have to ask you to step outside to resolve it. Otherwise, you need to remain quiet in here,” a nurse said coming over to us. Ryan quickly spun on his heel and walked away and Jordan and Marc released their grip on me. I took a seat next to Jordan.
“What’d the doctor say?” I asked impatiently.
“Nothing yet, she’s still in there, out cold,” Jordan said looking down at the ground. “If she hadn’t jumped in front of me to try and stop him…” He trailed off. I put my arm around his shoulders in a reassuring half-embrace. The next four hours were some of the longest in my life. I willed the clock to move faster but it was of no use. It was approaching two o’clock in the morning when the doctor finally came out.
“Alright, you can all finally stop worrying. Riley’s fine. She suffered a minor concussion and some pretty serious bruising on the left side of her face, but other than that, she’s going to be more than okay,” he said with a smile. All of us breathed an evident sigh of relief. “Now, she’s just waking up and I’m going to let one of you see her. Who’s it going to be?” Ryan, Geno, and I all ran up to the doctor. “Okay, I’m pretty sure I said ‘one’. What’s your relationship to the patient?” His question was directed at Geno.
“I her boyfriend,” Geno said confidently. The doctor then turned to Ryan.
“I’m her cousin,” Ryan answered. I was next.
“I’m her…friend,” I said lamely and I watched Ryan smile broadly.
“Doctor, he’s nothing to her,” Ryan said pointing at me. “And I understand that Geno is her boyfriend, but please let me see her. I’m related to her by blood after all.” The doctor contemplated this for a moment then nodded.
“You’re right, son. Go ahead. Room 827.” Ryan practically skipped down the hallway and the rest of us returned to our seats. Less than five minutes later Ryan was walking back out to us, his smug expression replaced by one of shock.
“She, uh, she didn’t want to see me,” he mumbled. “She…she wants to see you, Max.” I felt a strange sensation in the pit of my stomach upon being requested to be seen by Riley. I got up from my chair and made my way to 827. When I entered the room, a nurse exited and Riley looked over at me.
“Hey you,” she said smiling a little.
“Hey,” I answered breathlessly. I moved closer and saw the left side of her face. Bruised, just like the doctor said. And a pair of butterfly stitches adorned a space above her left eye.
“Sit down.” She patted a space on the side of her bed and I sat down carefully. She then took my right hand in hers and brought it up to her mouth, kissing it gently. I was dumbfounded by her actions and I just stared at her blankly. “I’m glad you’re here, Max.”
“I, um, I’m glad you’re okay.” She smiled again and reached up to run a hand through my hair. I was so taken aback that I had to do this now. There might never be another chance to discuss this when she was so calm and willing. “What do you think of me, Riley?” I let the question hang out there and it took her a while to answer.
“What do I think of you? Well, I think you’re loud, obnoxious, self-centered, arrogant, cocky, stubborn, and annoying as hell. But, there’s another side. The one that’s sweet, kind, selfless, funny, smart, charming, silly, and lovable. That’s the one I like. The one I love.” I was pretty sure that I stopped breathing. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Was this for real? “What do you think of me?”
“I think you’re perfect.” My answer was simple but it conveyed everything I’d felt for what seemed like an eternity. “And I lo---”
“No, don’t say it. Not yet.” She cut me off mid-sentence.
“But you just said it.”
“No I didn’t. I said I love that side of you. Not that I actually love you.” She smiled playfully. “Let’s wait until we get to know each other better before we say it. I want to know everything about you. And I want to tell you everything about me. And we have so much time for that. I just want to be with you.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“Are you sure you’re not hopped up on pain meds or something?” I asked, seriously fearing that she was. “Are you gonna forget all of this tomorrow and go back to the way we were?” I watched as she laughed lightly.
“Oh Maxie, no. I’m not even on any pain meds yet. I’m gonna remember everything. This is all coming from me. I’m serious. It’s for real.” I felt a warm sensation flood through my body at the word ‘Maxie’.
“Can I…can I kiss you?” I asked timidly. For once in my life fearing rejection.
“You never, ever have to ask.” I brought my face down to hers and realized that this was our first real kiss. Not one clouded by alcohol or pity. But one of equal want on both sides, when both of us were one hundred percent coherent. Nothing felt more perfect.
Chapter Six - Tied Together
15 years ago
FINALLY! Now she has to be nice to Geno... Don't crush him... Poor Geno...
ReplyDeleteBut yay Riley and Max!!!
Okay so I dislike Ryan, A LOT, and I never thought that would be possible EVER, but YAY!!!! They're together!! I just hope that Geno takes the news the best he can. I hope. =)
ReplyDeleteHOLY SHIT! Lol, that's all I could think as I was reading, honestly. I love that Jordan showed up to talk about Max. He was so wise, yet he cracked a "that's what she said" joke. I hope Geno isn't too heartbroken. As much as I like Riley with Max, I feel for poor Geno.
ReplyDeleteGreat update!! So glad her and Max talked and are together! Hope Geno doesn't take it too hard!
ReplyDeleteGreat update!! It feels like I've been waiting to see what was going to happen for forever!! I'm really glad her and Max are putting everything in the open and omg, Jordan... what a cutie!
ReplyDeleteIt'll be interesting to see how Geno takes it; I also hope someone punches Ryan in the face soon lol.
wasnt expecting the Ryan thing.
ReplyDeleteBut i knew it would be drastict measures for them to tell there true feelings..
glad they worked it out though.:]
great chapter.
and cant wait to see how geno takes it.
awwwwwwwwwww i adored it!!! and i wonder how geno will react. im a little nervous :O